Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Recently when I was at the OB the nurse decided to try and check for the heartbeat of the baby. Since that was only at the beginning of my 9th week she was skeptical that we would hear anything but she tried anyway.

Alas, there was not a peep but the sound of my own heart beating. Not to worry though, as this is common for a pregnancy so early on. Anyway when the nurse left the exam room she also left the fetal doppler device in the room with me. It's a small device ... small enough to fit in a purse. But I ain't no thief! Anyway my curiosity was piqued and I couldn't help thinking how cool it would be to have a doppler device at home so I could listen any time I wanted to.

Imagine my surprise to find that these devices are available for home use:

Stork radio has them available for rental or purchase. You have to get your OB's approval to get one but that shouldn't be too hard.
I still haven't decided if I'll actually get one but it's pretty cool that I have the option!

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