Tuesday, September 18, 2007

on diapers....

I bought a starter pack of G diapers a couple of weeks ago. Been meaning to write about them because they appear to be pretty awesome. You get one orange and one cream colored wrap.

G diapers are basically a cloth diaper wrap with a waterproof liner and then a disposable (flushable, compostable and biodegradable) soft insert.

Here's a pic of a baby wearing a g diaper"

They are sold at Fred Meyer, Whole Foods and a few other places. You can also order a starter kit and more inserts and wraps online from their website.

The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that there isn't one right choice for us for diapering. When the time comes I am probably going to use a combination of g diapers and cloth diapers.

Click for the g diapers web site.

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