Monday, January 7, 2008

nursery = 95% done

Finally we are almost done with the nursery. The joke is that he doesn't even sleep in there. Oh well. And even though he is a month old, technically we are still on schedule since he was due on Jan 17th.... best laid plans....

Things that we need to complete it:
I want to make a crib quilt using some cool fabric that I got from repro depot
We need a chair of some kind. Or better yet a white storage bench that has some nifty cushions on top.
More artwork/pictures/tchotkes
A nicer light fixture... the one that is in the ceiling is OK but it kinda looks like a giant boob.
A unique crib mobile (I hate all the frou frou ones that I have seen in the stores thus far)

p.s.... J and I made the green curtains. The fabric came from Joann. The sheers are from Ikea but we shortened them quite a bit to match the length of the green curtains.

Here are some pics of the nursery (full set):


Matt Lindgren, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist said...

The room rocks. What's more perfect for a nursing baby then a boob light fixture?

Lauren said...

really lovely room! he'll love to sleep in day :)