Wednesday, July 9, 2008

mack donalds

do you guys ever read the huffington post? if not, you should. for real! there's a bunch of good shit on there. check this out from yesterdays article McDonald's Makes Jesus Cry:

There are billions and billions of reasons to hate McDonald's. They took the McRib away, for one, and that burns. (Sometimes I almost wish I'd never loved it at all.) There's at least one good reason to like McDonald's: They're being boycotted by the American Family Association.

What did McDonald's do to cross the AFA, its president, Donald Wildmon, and -- by extension -- Jesus (R-Nz.)? They donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. McDonald's' revenue runs about five billion dollars a quarter, so you can see their profound commitment to destroying the family through sodomy.

The AFA says that by donating one thousandth of one percent of its 2007 earnings, "McDonald's has chosen not to remain neutral but to give the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda."

Which seems like a kind of shrill definition of "full weight," but maybe it's like the Quarter Pounder®, and it's the weight before cooking that counts.

There's one other line I want to share and agree with: just bring back the McRib.

check out the full article here. and bookmark the huffington post.

for more cartoons check out See Mike Draw.

1 comment:

jay mcg said...

definitely check out the article... the comments embedded in the article in response to mack-d's donation are AWESOME