Monday, March 31, 2008

quote of the day

"that is the fastest way to never have sex with me again"

-Wife (who else?)

it's pronounced "nah-blow-po-mow"

ok, so... April is National Blog Posting Month and/or NaBloPoMo. actually, if you participate here, every month is National Blog Posting Month, but I digress.

the deal with NaBloPoMo is that you do a post a day, every day (including weekends) for a month. NaBloPoMo helps by, among other things, providing themes. April's theme is LETTERS.

for the first time, we've decided to commit. so! for metagestation, Wife and I are going to make a post, every day (damnit!), during April. hope you enjoy!

if YOU want to help, here's what you can do:
  • continue checking out the blog!
  • leave a comment! we loves us the comments, and it's cool when a dialog is had as a result of our little posts.
  • leave haiku comments / because we love them haiku's / don't you love them too?

ok, that is all. carry on.

Friday, March 28, 2008

snowy haiku

happy friday all. i'm so glad this week is done. it was fairly hectic and i am looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

now, your weekly haiku and a pic from my backyard as it looks right now:

snow falls on cedars
love the way the snowflakes dance
spring is not quite here

quote of the day

(not that there will be a quote every day)

Theresa: "He just threw up all over my phone. I gotta go." [click]

quote of the day: 03/27/2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

do you remember listpic?

What an awesome tool that was! You could preview images from Craigslist ads without clicking through to view the entire ad. I was very stoked when this came out because it was so easy to quickly scan the listings to see if there was anything worth pursuing. For the most part I don't even look at ads that don't have pictures so that tool really cut to the chase for me. Then Craig had to go and put the kibosh on the whole thing and well that sucked.

But now there's this nifty Firefox plugin that essentially does the same thing. It's just a browser add on so hopefully Craig can't kill it like he did with Listpic.

Ad preview extension for Firefox.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

project green bum

I have spent an inordinate amount of time researching the matter of cloth diapering. I think I am finally at a place where I am committed to the type and brand of cloth diapers that I want to purchase. There must be a million different configurations that a person can buy but I settled on unbleached indian prefolds with wonder wraps covers. I'm going to use snappis to fasten the prefolds and I will get some 6 layer doublers for overnight use. We will still use G diapers for going out but I declare that this is the last week of disposable 7th generation diapers in this house.

Here's what you need to get started:
4 to 6 wraps
24 to 36 prefolds (indian or chinese)
4 to 6 doublers
snappis or diaper pins
diaper pail

Montana's Diaper store
and Diaper Swappers are excellent resources to check out if you want to do cloth diapering.

Monday, March 24, 2008

So you’ve got a new boss

Don’t you hate getting re-org’d? it’s like… when your company has something stuck in their throat… and instead of coughing or drinking a glass of water or something to try and dislodge it, they just say “aw, to hell with it”, drink some ipecac, and puke on the couch, only to find out that the reason that they had a tickle in their throat is because it’s springtime and allergy season.

Now you’ve got a tickle in your throat and puke on your couch. Wouldn’t it have been better just to have a glass of water?

So my department – I.T. – went through a re-org recently. Very recently. I got a call from my boss at 5pm a couple weeks ago “effective immediately I am no longer your boss. Your new boss is Julie. It’s been great working with you.”

Ummm... it's been great working with you, too... also, WTF?


You know how they say half your career is momentum? Well, I say that anyway. I have no momentum right now. Well... I have no momentum and an updated resume.

Mark my words: momentum is coming soon to a Jason near you.



Sunday, March 23, 2008

fenix says: happy easter everyone!

goodbye cords, hello skirt

I came across a project on cut out and keep the other day that totally inspired me. It's a pretty basic idea - you take your old jeans or pants and turn them into a skirt. This was right up my alley.
You see, I am very guilty of holding onto clothes that don't quite fit properly in hopes that I will some day regain my girlish figure. This is not happening folks. That's where this project comes in since it's good for those old pants that are really cute but are a little too snug in the thigh and ass region.
Click here for the tutorial.

Check out my finished version below. I have another pair of these cords in yellow and I'll be skirtifying them in short order. Notice that I took a little more care in the finishing than what is shown in the tutorial by using the cut off pant leg to form a panel in the front and back of the skirt. This makes a more a-line silhouette which is more flattering on someone with a curvy figure (such as myself).

so freakin' cute!

As mentioned in an earlier post we had our childbirth class reunion on Friday and it was really nice. We got to meet all of the little babies and see the proud mommies and daddies. Penny came out too and it was so nice to see her again.

At one point we lined up all of the little ones on the sofa for a photo and it was the most darling thing you have ever seen. See if you can spot Fenix:

Friday, March 21, 2008

tonight should be interesting

We have our childbirth class reunion tonight. I'm excited to see Penny again as well as all the little babies and their parents. We are also going to a bday thing for a friend so I am looking forward to more socializing with adults!

To start your weekend right, I leave you with a pic of Feeny McG:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

weekly haiku

half brown and half white
you're a marble cupcake kid
mixed and amazing

behold! the vernal equinox is upon us.

Oh yes, spring has sprung. I'm so happy about that. It means that the weather should be turning nice in the relative near term and the morels should be popping up in our yard any day now! It's actually not a disgusting day (yet) here in Seattle and that's really bringing me some joy right now.

Enjoy some images from last spring and have a happy day:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

100 things to do..... 1-20

(thanks haydee!)
  1. have another child (a little girl?!)
  2. purchase land and build a custom home on it
  3. master the double bass
  4. speak fluent japanese
  5. travel to japan
  6. memorize all of the asanas
  7. ride a longboard (instead of walking) on city streets
  8. get a few more tattoos
  9. get a degree
  10. travel throughout africa
  11. live in a country where english isn't the primary language
  12. snowboard in the french alps
  13. knit myself a sweater
  14. sew a dress, a skirt, a pair of pants and a jacket (for myself)
  15. donate a large sum of money to a charity (at least $5000)
  16. become famous for something good
  17. write a book and get it published
  18. meet my inlaws in ireland
  19. trace my family history back as far as i can
  20. build a tree house


Michael: Since you’re devastating people, go ahead and tell G.O.B. that I’ll be telling the cops that it was him in the truck. So he’ll be joining me here. I’ve got a nice hard cot with his name on it.

Lucille: You’d do that to your own brother?

Michael: I said “cot.”

Monday, March 17, 2008

another pair of spectacles

I found a pair of vintage cat eye glasses for a mere 22 bux a few weeks ago. I am pretty jazzed about them. Vintage frames almost never fit my face. They are always too narrow or the arms (is that what you call them?) are always too short to reach behind my ears. But finally(!) I found a pair that fit and they look really cute (or at least I think so).

Friday, March 14, 2008

weekly haiku

thank you to the gradfo mom that gave me the idea to write a weekly haiku.

Tomorrow we drink!
St Pat's day at the McG's
Green beer anyone?!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

fenix, the linebacker

I am a super proud momma today. Fenix has a cold (booo) so we went to the pediatrician to have him checked out. Well the formerly teeny weeny feeny is now 11 lbs, 13 oz. He is getting right up there with the rest of the full term babies his age.

So rad!

new boots. i gots them

My new boots came in the mail today and they are quite fetching. I can't wait to clomp around in them. If you look at my earlier post you will see that the boots are in fact one of the pairs that i was coveting. The best part is that I got them on Ebay (new with tags!) so they only cost me ~$30 plus shipping. This is a big deal to me because a) you can't even buy them on the Sanita/Dansko website anymore and b) when you could, they cost around $180.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i need haramaki

So I'm gonna make some. Haramaki is a japanese belly warmer, typically worn by grannies but can be jazzed up and worn very fashionably by anyone. Once again I'm Johnny-Come-Lately over here since it's just about springtime and a belly warmer is no longer needed but so what, I'll use it next winter. I also wish that I had known about it when I was still pregnant. Oh well.

Some commercially sold haramaki:

I'll post pics when I finish my sewn prototype.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

tribute quilt

Holy cow! An incredibly talented woman who works with my mom made this amazing quilt using photos that she found on our flickr site.

There are some mean people in my life right now and I've been feeling a little bit down about it. But now my faith in the goodness of people is restored. I can't believe that someone took the time and energy to make something so lovely for a baby that she hasn't even met yet!

Thank you Rosie! Hopefully we'll get to meet you when we fly out there in May.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

new boots. i needs them.

For some reason I'm obsessed with getting a pair of (or a few pairs of) new boots. Yeah, I know I'm kinda late since it's like nearly spring or whatevs but just the same, I want them. I'm a big 'boots in warm weather' sort of person.
I envision a really cute jersey knit dress (built by wendy - i already bought 4 yards of bamboo jersey fabric!), a wide belt that sits low on the hips and some really cute boots. But not just any boots. In staying true to my vision they need to be a very specific kind of pull on boot (no no no zip ups - the calf part musn't be fitted), like these:

or these:

or most definitely these (gotta love the fluevogs):

jason, are you reading this? let me know if you need to know where to buy these :-)